Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Welcome to the Pokémon log, a place where you can communicate, share, and have fun with others!

The objective is to create a community full of people willing to bring updates about new Pokémon games, share Pokémon art, and a lot more fun things to do together! Of course, we can not let out fierce Pokémon battles, along with friendly trades!

And who am I, you ask? My name is Cesar. I am willing to provide updates and information about the games and the Pokémon, along with creating an extense database to help out those in need. Of course I am the one typing these posts, but that does not mean I am the only voice. I am willing to accept information and requests of "Top 10's" and all you can think of.

I am planning on getting help from my friends and hopefully some of you to expand this blog's database and artwork. I have nothing now, and that's why this page is going to grow in conjuntion of the community to help out with the blog.

As this is the day I started, I have no information nor anything interesting that would make this blog any famous, and that's why I'm starting with an own top 10. Right now I do not have any idea, but tomorrow I will bring you a top 10 of "whatever it is I'm planning of," which could be from weakest, cutest Pokémon, to strongest, ugliest Pokémon, to anything else you can think of.

Right now I'm accepting ideas of what to start with, as I have nothing to start the blog with.I am looking forward to having an enjoyable community that will help each other out.

With that being said, I wish you sweet dreams tonight, because tomorrow, This blog is getting started!

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