Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pokémon Adventures!

Hay Poké Loggers! I just recently started reading the Pokemon manga, or "Pokemon Adventures." It is pretty interesting and it's nothing like the anime or the games. The story might look a little bit alike. But it is in no way equal. I think you should all give it a try if you are interested in manga and, well of of course Pokémon! I just finished the 3rd book and I'm just about to start the 4th one. This is what it looks like:

 Again, I encourage you guys to read it as it is pretty interesting and it'll keep you wanting to read more! Please leave a comment. I've been wanting comments since I started this and I don't get anything xD. Also, if you can you can follow Poké Logger on Twitter and Tumblr! Well, I'll be seeing you guys!


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