Friday, November 9, 2012

Week-end Fun!

With the end of the school week, everyone gets excited and ready for fun! Many people stay home all weekend. Do you guys know what this means? It means video-games! Yes, people like me spend their week-ends playing video-games all day.

Yes it's not healthy for your eyes and everything. Well truth is, if you can manage to blink casually while playing video-games, then you're fine. Mhm, you read right, some damage comes from the brightness of the screen. However, most of it comes from keeping your eyes open the whole time. So try to blink very often and look away every 15-20 mins. to stay healthy!

And now that we're ready for the fun, why not play some Pokémon? As the crowd grows I'd like to organize community events for the week-end to keep this blog going. Once I get a considerable amount of followers I'll be ablr to organize tournaments, battles, and even trades! So try your best to help me keep this blog going by sharing it!

This Saturday, I'd like to start by posting a Pokémon of the week. This will be a community favorite. This Pokémon is quite sstrong and adorable. There is about no one who dislikes this Pokémon, and that's why I'll start it with this one. Good luck trying to figure out which one it is! And start by enjoying your week-end! ^-^

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