Thursday, November 8, 2012

Top 10 Cutest Pokémon (#1)

Hay guys! It's Cesar. As you might, or might not know, I started this blog yesterday. I kept my promise and I brought you an amazing "Top 10!" This is a personal choice as I do not have a large community that can vote and decide for Pokémon. I hope you guys agree with my opinions and like my "first" post!

Top 10 Cutest Pokémon!

Pokémon #10- Axew (#610)

Axew is a "Dragon" type Pokémon. It is quite small, but It evolves into a powerful Haxorus. Axew is a really cute Pokémon who deserves a spot in this Top 10. I mean look at this picture! Doesn't it make you wanna get up and go beat up the one who made him/her cry?

Pokémon #9- Minccino (#572)

Minccino is a cool Pokémon. "Normal" means almost no weaknesses. Many ponies can think of "Normal" being a disadvantage to "Ghost," but this can also be used to your advantage! Minccino is charming and at the same time it's cool. It is a neat Pokémon, meaning that it will clean anything dirty. This could be useful... not that I'll get one as a slave anyway... LOL! This concludes our 9th entry of this top 10.

Pokémon #8- Politoed (#186)

Politoed is a nice Pokémon. I mean, frogs are cool. Besides, it's green. Who doesn't like green?! These guys are cool, charming, and IT'S A FROG! Not much to be said. It's a frog and frogs win. Let's move on because I have so much info. on frogs that I would fill pages. Politoed was worth this spot.

Pokémon #7-  Munna (#517)

Munna is a cute little ball. It is pink, true, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve a spot as a cute Pokémon. Munna is an interesting Pokémon too. It is the "Dream Eater" Pokémon. This is not a bad thing though. It eats the nightmares of ponies, making them forget all of the dream. It was a tough decision between this one and the next Pokémon. But I think this is quite worth the mention. Let's go!

 Pokémon #6- Mudkip (#258)

Mudkip doesn't necessarily mean mud. It is like a little fish. It is blue, which means "Water," and also means charming. Many blue Pokémon are cute, but they've got nothing on Mudkip. Mudkip is one of the starters in the Hoenn region. It grows to be a powerful Pokémon. It's just a perfect Pokémon for this list.

 Pokémon #5- Shaymin (#492)

Our first legendary Pokémon in this Top 10 is Shaymin. Shaymin is certainly cute.The combination of white, green, and pink make up for a nice mix that makes it look fabulous! Quite small to be a legendary Pokémon, but powerful indeed, especially when transformed into its Sky Forme. This Pokémon is also very gratitous. So bring it lots of gifts to make it like you... HA! Next...

Pokémon #4- Emolga (#587)

Urrk! I highly dislike Emolga. This is due to the Pokémon Anime, which if you have seen, you'll understand why. Emolga is pretty cool however. A flying squirrel that can Discharge its energy onto you, why not? Powerful and stunning indeed. "Flying" and "Electric" can make up for a wonderful combination. Emolga isreally useful, it has powerful moves and cute companionship. It does deserve this spot.

 Pokémon #3- Gible (#443)

Gible is a "Ground" and "Dragon" Pokémon. When it is fully evolved, it is quite powerful. Watch out for that *4.0 "Ice" though. A "Land Shark," it seems dangerous. However, Gible is quite charming and cute. This Pokémon has an expression that just asks to be hugged and snuggled with. It is just a perfect Pokémon and a really cool Pokémon! It deserves a good spot!

Pokémon #2- Mew (#151)

Mew is our last legendary Pokémon on this list. Mew can learn all kinds of moves! A huge movepool, indeed. It is very powerful too! It has cute cheeks and everything! And... a tail that is misteriously longer than its own body. Don't ask me why. Mew is extremely cute! However, it would never manage  to beat...

Pokémon #1- Eevee (#133)

 Eevee is a Pokémon that can change into anything you tell it too! This doesn't mean Ditto though. This Pokémon has 7 different evolutions, each with a different type. You can also decide to not evolve it and just stay "Normal" type for weakness-advantage purposes. Eevee is really, really, really cute. It's cuteness can be arguable with other Pokémon on this list, and certainly others as well. But no other Pokémon has potential like this little fox. Besides, who doesn't like foxes? Eevee is a good option on a competitive team, just decide its correct evolution for the kind of team you're aiming for. One last thing, evolving Eevee doesn't mean your cuteness is gone. Eevee's evolutions have a mix of cute and cool styles, making them really nice choices!


This concludes my first "Top 10." I hope you guys like it. I want to make this blog famous and I need your help. Please share this with your friends and capture your own cute Pokémon! Also, sorry for not having the pictures proportional, I'll make a better effort next time!

Also, I plan on making Community Top 10's once I have enough information, so vote for your favorite Pokémon and catch some more!

Good night and Happy Gaming!

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