Poké Log!
A community blog designed to bring you updates, arrange trades and battles, and bring you a database for reference and information.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Running out of time!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Pokémon Adventures!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hello Again!
Tomorrow I'll try to start with something different. Check back in tomorrow for another post! I hope you guys are enjoying the blog!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Pokémon of the Week! (#1)
Pokémon of the Week- Pikachu (#025)
Pikachu, you ask. Umm no, one does not simply not know who Pikachu is. Pikachu and Pokémon go hoof in hoof. Either you know both or you know neither. In fact, Pikachu is like the signature Pokémon. Pikachu represents Pokémon. It might not have been this way at the beginning of the Pokémon Company. But most of the time it's been this way, and that's the way it'll probably be. Pikachu is the most popular Pokémon. Either loved, or hated. It doesn't matter if somepony hates it or loves it, the point is that that pony knows who Pikachu is.
Pikachu is a great Pokémon overall. It is a mouse, a powerful, "Electric" mouse. It might not be the most powerful Pokémon out there, but it's also not the weakest, definitely not. Of course every Pokémon can be beaten by another if it´s not well trained. So is Pikachu. You have to tweak every Pokémon by getting one with an efficient ability, nature, IV's, having it hold an item, a powerful moveset, and finally EV training. Pikachu might be weak, but can be turned into an efficient sweeper.
Every week I'm gonna show you guys my favorite movesets. And my favorite moveset for Pikachu is this.
Moves: Volt Tackle/ Hidden Power (Ice)/ Brick Break/ Substitute
Ability: Lightningrod
Item: Light Ball
Nature: Hasty
EV's: 252 Atk/ 4 S.Atk/ 252 Spd
Your best friend. Who needs a dog when you have a mouse! Err.... Pikachu... yeah. I like this set because it has a wide coverage. Volt Tackle is a powerful physical move, Electric of course. Ice gets rid of those Dragons, Ground, and Grass. Brick Break hits hard and gets past any walls. And Substitute to take a break from predicting and knowing what moves the opponent has. Its hasty nature increases its Speed, we need a lot of speed. Light Ball increases Pikachu's Attack and Special Attack, making it a killer machine, err... rat, err... mouse. EV's are for obvious purposes. And this is why I like it :D
AAAAAAAND!! I hope you guys liked it. It was long becuase it's my first one, but they'll get shorter next time. Have a great week-end and enjoy your Poké-lives! Peace!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Week-end Fun!
With the end of the school week, everyone gets excited and ready for fun! Many people stay home all weekend. Do you guys know what this means? It means video-games! Yes, people like me spend their week-ends playing video-games all day.
Yes it's not healthy for your eyes and everything. Well truth is, if you can manage to blink casually while playing video-games, then you're fine. Mhm, you read right, some damage comes from the brightness of the screen. However, most of it comes from keeping your eyes open the whole time. So try to blink very often and look away every 15-20 mins. to stay healthy!
And now that we're ready for the fun, why not play some Pokémon? As the crowd grows I'd like to organize community events for the week-end to keep this blog going. Once I get a considerable amount of followers I'll be ablr to organize tournaments, battles, and even trades! So try your best to help me keep this blog going by sharing it!
This Saturday, I'd like to start by posting a Pokémon of the week. This will be a community favorite. This Pokémon is quite sstrong and adorable. There is about no one who dislikes this Pokémon, and that's why I'll start it with this one. Good luck trying to figure out which one it is! And start by enjoying your week-end! ^-^
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Top 10 Cutest Pokémon (#1)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The objective is to create a community full of people willing to bring updates about new Pokémon games, share Pokémon art, and a lot more fun things to do together! Of course, we can not let out fierce Pokémon battles, along with friendly trades!
And who am I, you ask? My name is Cesar. I am willing to provide updates and information about the games and the Pokémon, along with creating an extense database to help out those in need. Of course I am the one typing these posts, but that does not mean I am the only voice. I am willing to accept information and requests of "Top 10's" and all you can think of.
I am planning on getting help from my friends and hopefully some of you to expand this blog's database and artwork. I have nothing now, and that's why this page is going to grow in conjuntion of the community to help out with the blog.
As this is the day I started, I have no information nor anything interesting that would make this blog any famous, and that's why I'm starting with an own top 10. Right now I do not have any idea, but tomorrow I will bring you a top 10 of "whatever it is I'm planning of," which could be from weakest, cutest Pokémon, to strongest, ugliest Pokémon, to anything else you can think of.
Right now I'm accepting ideas of what to start with, as I have nothing to start the blog with.I am looking forward to having an enjoyable community that will help each other out.
With that being said, I wish you sweet dreams tonight, because tomorrow, This blog is getting started!